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    High temperature resistance intercalation adsorption inhibitor has been developed for ?reducing wellbore instability caused by which conventional inhibitors could not controll effectively hydration of clay surface, There are a lot of strong adsorption groups and hydrophobic groups in the molecular structure of the new inhibitor, which was low molecular weight, non-toxic environmental protection and good thermal stability. The analysis of inhibition mechanism showed that, the new inhibitor,the electrostatic repulsion and short-range repulsion of surface hydration of clay can be effectively reduced by the combination of strong adsorption group and exchange of hydrated sodium ions.And by changing the surface tension and wettability of clay, the self-imbibition capacity and specific hydrophilicity of shale can be controlled, and the invasion of water phase can be reduced. Meanwhile.?the new inhibitor had strong adsorption and anti-desorption ability, could adsorb on the clay surface for a long time, improved the hydrophobicity of the clay surface, and reduced the invasion of free water. Laboratory evaluation experiments showed that the new inhibitor had good properties of inhibiting mud production, controlling clay hydration expansion and preventing mud shale collapse, which was beneficial to the stability of rheological property and borehole wall of water-based drilling fluid, it had a good application prospect.

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  • Received: February 21,2022
  • Revised: May 18,2022
  • Adopted: May 18,2022
  • Online: January 06,2023
