Development and application of double-protection weighting agent for drill-in fluidZhuo Lvyan You Zhiliang Zhao Cheng
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    The arsenic content of barite supplied in China mostly exceeds the filter value of Second type of construction land in‘GB 36600-2018 Soil environmental quality Risk control stardard of soil contamination of development land’. Iron ore powder and ilmenite powder are commonly used as weighting agents, but they wear drilling tools seriously, which affects the electrical measurement results, and the chroma of drilling fluid is not up to standard after use, so they are rarely used now. Calcium carbonate is also a common weighting agent, due to its low viscosity, the viscosity effect is obvious, which has an impact on drilling. In view of the shortcomings of the environmental protection performance and application performance of the weighting agent, choose calcium carbonate weighting agent,adding barite into it proportionally,after surface coating modification, dry activation treatment and other production processes, The viscosity effect and the arsenic content is reduced.At the same time, it is beneficial to the hydrocarbon reservoir protection characteristics of calcium carbonate weighting agents . Innovation has formed a double-protection weighting agent that protects oil and gas reservoirs and the environment.The technology has been applied to 10 wells,all wells were drilled safely. Compared with the average value of adjacent wells, the penetration rate increased by 10%, the average hole diameter expansion rate decreased by 1.8%, the average oil production per meter of single well increased by 0.60t, and the arsenic content of mud cake reached the standard screening value (less than 60mg/Kg).

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  • Received: November 22,2020
  • Revised: August 08,2021
  • Adopted: August 11,2021
  • Online: June 02,2023
