Abstract:In view of the problems of high cost, unenvironmental protection of chemicals in pharmaceuticals, and unsatisfactory effect of improving oil recovery in Dagang oilfield,developed an environmentally degradable microbial surface activity synergist,with this product as the core,Combined with a petroleum sulfonate and a polymer, respectively,the formation of better surfactant flooding, polysurface binary drive, polysurface alkali ternary drive and other series of efficiency system.The performance evaluation of the surface tension, interface tension, salt resistance, magnesium resistance, biodegradability, temperature resistance, and adsorption resistance of the surfactant efficiency and oil displacement system is carried out indoors,both are significantly higher than the single petroleum sulfonate system,the surface tension can be reduced to 18 m N/m,interfacial tension was diluted by 8 times and still reached up to 10-3 m N/m,salt resistance to up to 75g / L,against magnesium for up to 2,000 mg/L,temperature resistant up to 90℃,the biodegradation rate of 45 days was more than 90%,anti-adsorption up to four levels。The crude oil and water from the strata of Dagang Oilfield were used as the evaluation medium,carry out efficiency increase system and reservoir adaptability evaluation,the interfacial tension and anti-adsorption properties of the binary and ternary systems were evaluated separately,an order of magnitude lower than a single petroleum sulfonate system;Viscosity stability was evaluated,the viscosity retention rate can reach more than 65% in 7 days,more than 7% higher than the single petroleum sulfonate system;The flooding performance of the three systems was evaluated,EOR all exceeded 17%,it is more than 1.4% higher than the single petroleum sulfonate system.The adaptability of six different reservoir conditions such as medium permeability and low permeability in Dagang oilfield was evaluated,the interface tension of the surfactant efficiency oil displacement system can reach the ultra-low order of magnitude above 10-3 m N/m,the efficiency increase technology has a good adaptability to the reservoir conditions in Dagang oilfield.Oil flooding test of well 1 in Yangerzhuang Well 5-XX, Dagang Oilfield,play a better oil increase and water control effect.