In the process of seawater injection development in offshore oilfields, the incompatibility of injected water and formation water often leads to serious sulfate scaling in oil wells. Although the squeeze treatment can be used to prevent scale, the squeeze life of the scale inhibitor is generally shorter. This article considers adding an adsorption enhancer to the pre-flush to increase the adsorption capacity of the scale inhibitor in the formation and reduce the desorption speed of the scale inhibitor. Quaternary ammonium surfactant DTAC and cationic gemini surfactant GS-A6 were selected as adsorption enhancers, and sodium polyacrylate PAAS was selected as scale inhibitor. The compatibility experiment, static adsorption experiment and dynamic adsorption-desorption experiment of adsorption promoter and scale inhibitor were carried out. The results show that at 120℃, the two adsorption enhancers have good compatibility with the scale inhibitor, and the adsorption enhancer can effectively increase the adsorption amount of the scale inhibitor in the formation and prolong the squeeze life of the scale inhibitor. The adsorption enhancer DTAC was greatly affected by oil saturation, and the adsorption enhancement effect decreased significantly at high oil saturation. The adsorption enhancer GS-A6 has a stable adsorption enhancement effect under different concentrations and different oil saturation conditions, and is suitable for oil well scale inhibition in different development stages.